List old, new directories
Remove old directories which are stored more than 20 days
Using find tool
cd /opt/mydir
FILE_SERVER=/opt/my_file_server # Need at least 17GB x 2 NEED_FREE=$((17224314*2)) FREE_SPACE=$(df -k --output=avail $FILE_SERVER | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') echo "INFO: Check if free space can not store more than 2 x 17GB" if (( $FREE_SPACE < $NEED_FREE )); then echo "INFO: Free sapce is not enough" # CHANGE HERE echo "INFO: Finding old directories which are stored more than 20 days" for some_dir in $( find $FILE_SERVER -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'DIR_NAME*' -mtime +20 | sort ); do echo "Removing $some_dir" rm -rf $some_dir done # CHANGE END else echo "INFO: Free sapce is enough" fi
Using ls tool
But beware: parsing ls command can be dangerous when the filenames contain funny characters like newlines or spaces.
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Remove 3 oldest directories
for some_dir in $( ls $FILE_SERVER -td | tail -n 3 ); do # for some_dir in $( find $FILE_SERVER -maxdepth 1 -type d | sort | head -3 ); do echo "Removing $some_dir" rm -rf $some_dir done
Remove 3 newest directories
for some_dir not in $( ls $FILE_SERVER -td | head -3 ); do # for some_dir not in $( find $FILE_SERVER -maxdepth 1 -type d | sort -r | head -3 ); do echo "Removing $some_dir" rm -rf $some_dir done
Keep 3 newest directories, remove all the rest
Note: it's +4, instead of 3
ls -t | tail -n +4 | xargs rm --
Note: it's +5, instead of 3. We have to add 2 into number of directories to be kept.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf '%T@t%p' | sort -z -nrk1 | tail -z -n +5 | cut -z -f2- | xargs -0 rm -f --