SSH login without password by using RSA keys
You have 2 machines, MachineA and MachineB.
The main idea is to copy content of a MachineA and input it into authorized_keys of MachineB
From your machine (another machine like Windows)
# ssh user1@MachineA
Input MachineA password for user1
If you haven't already genarated the ssh keys on Machine A
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Then copy the ssh public key to Machine B
# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user1@MachineB
Input MachineB password for user1
# If MachineB is Windows, you can copy MachineA's content and put it into MachineB's authorized_keys.
Now you can access MachineB with out password for the user user1
From MachineA
# ssh MachineB
No password
Do the same above steps to ssh from MachineB to MachineA without password
From your machine
# ssh user1@MachineB
Input MachineB password for user1
If you haven't already genarated the ssh keys on Machine A
# ssh-keygen -t rsa
Then copy the ssh public key to Machine A
# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ user1@MachineA
Input MachineA password for user1
Now you can access MachineA with out password for the user user1
From MachineB
# ssh MachineA
No password